Saturday, March 26, 2011

ETSKW1: The First Session of the Educational Technology Series - Outline and Instructions

Date and Time of the First Session: Thursday April 7th, 2011 at 8 PM KW time

First Discussion Outline (E-Learning)
  1. How do you view E-Learning? (E-Learning as a concept)
  2. Synchronous or Asynchronous E-learning? Why? (Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous E-learning)
  3. What are the best ways to apply Synchronous or Asynchronous E-learning? (Methods, techniques, and tools of Synchronous or Asynchronous E-learning)
  4. What are the expected obstacles in applying Synchronous or Asynchronous E-learning? (Problems in applying Synchronous or Asynchronous E-learning)
  5. How to overcome these obstacles? (Solutions for the application of Synchronous or Asynchronous E-learning)

Suggested Instructions for the Participants:
  • Be prepared with some ideas according to the discussion’s outline
  • Present your ideas and/or viewpoints in a direct and concise way (about 125 characters)  
  • In case you need to use more than one tweet to convey your message, please number your related tweets (e.g. 1/2, 2/2)
  •   Make sure to use the following hash tag with all your tweets: #etskw1
  • Try to follow the session’s outline  in your discussion
  • Avoid using slang  or jargon to ensure proper automatic translation in Twitter
  • Due to the limited length of tweets in Twitter, it is recommended to use abbreviations for the basic terminology that will be used in the discussion (e.g. Technology = tech)  

1 comment:

  1. شكرا على الموضوع الرائع
    لمعرفة اخر اخبار سيارات مرسيدس
